The first stage of hemp-recycle company AltayKonoplya LLC grows and recycles industrial hemp
The planting areas and production facilities are located in the Altai Territory
Products and applications
For vegetable oil, food and feed production
Used for production of rope and rope products, heat-insulating mats, interwoven insulation. Stapled fiber — used for production of heat-insulating mats, nonwovens, yarn
Non-straight part of the hemp stalk, formed in the process of extraction of hemp fiber by cracking. A versatile natural material used in animal husbandry, horticulture and construction
Hemp fiber insulation is a natural "breathable" material, has a high coefficient of heat resistance, resistant to mold and fungus, "uninteresting" to insects
Animal husbandry
The absorption capacity of hemp bark is much higher than that of traditional materials. Veterinarians in Western European countries recommend the use of hemp bedding
Hemp mulch retains moisture, protects the soil from drying out and is an excellent natural fertilizer that saturates the soil with macro and microelements in optimal combinations
AltayKonoplya LLC Location: Altai Territory, Sovetsky District